Same Day Couriers in Leicester & Leicestershire

Film and Television Industry Courier Service

Rest in comfort knowing our same day courier service has experience delivering within your industry.

film and television courier service

Courier services for the Film and Television Industry

Shaks Couriers can do the job if you need script runs, prop delivery, or material transportation for your movie or production firm.

Film and Production delivery on the same-day

The entertainment and production sector is one that frequently offers thrills, fun, and a great deal of unpredictability. Because of this, we provide our film and production clients in the UK with a specialised same-day courier service, giving them a dependable delivery option.


For many years, the Shaks Couriers staff has delivered props, screenplays, crucial technology, and other supplies to the film and production industries. We can keep up with your schedule and deadlines because we are accustomed to the nature of the sector, ensuring that your task goes as smoothly as possible.

When Should You Take Film and Production Delivery Into Account?

Even the smallest delay in your firm could cause significant losses. You need same-day film and production delivery if you want to be sure that you’re never in the dark.


Whenever and wherever, anywhere and everywhere, our couriers can deliver your crucial packages or envelopes. We are accessible day and night, allowing us to accommodate your schedule for the utmost convenience.


Nothing is off restrictions for us because each delivery type has a vehicle specifically designed for it.

Same Day Courier contact

For an urgent quote, contact us by the following:


24 hours